Monday, April 23, 2018

Where and what has badminton originated from?

 Badminton has been known to have originated from ancient civilisations within Asia, Europe and Egypt. The game was originally called battledore and shuttlecock. Battledore and shuttlecock was a pastime for many of the English upper class as well as in many European countries.

 But British India in the 19th century is where modern badminton was formed. British military officers created while being stationed in British India, but the change was that they added a net to the game. This new version of  battledore and shuttlecock became very popular in the British Garrison town of Poona, therefore the name of the game was changed to "Poona" or "Poonai". Woollen balls were preferred by the upper class in bad weather but the shuttlecock was chosen for Poona over the ball.

 When retired officers returned home to England, the game was shown to the guests of the Duke of Beaufort in his home, Badminton in Gloucestershire, England.

 The IBF, International Badminton Federation formed in 1934 with nine members - New Zealand, Canada, Wales, France, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, England and Denmark. India joined 2 years later in 1936.

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